Big Questions method

What if our questions changed the way we create our future in space?

How do NASA missions successfully engage large and diverse teams of experts to work together toward a big common goal?

Drawing from first hand experience leading large space science missions, the Big Questions method is designed and proven to accelerate innovation in any industry with structures and incentives that support teams, knowledge goals, and tangible societal outcomes.

This is the moment to reimagine research and education—with transformative teaming processes that aim for the biggest questions and engage the broadest set of collaborators across disciplines, sectors and cultures.

The Big Questions method

01:// Brainstorm the biggest questions04:// Decide on disciplines
02:// Vote on the most important05:// Decide on milestones
03:// Volunteer into teams06:// Choose a leader

Method drives impact

We collaborate with organizations who are interested in re-imagining research and education around big questions rather than individual experts. Interplanetary Initiative hosts annual Big Question teaming workshops with diverse teams to brainstorm the big questions arising from becoming a spacefaring species.

Read about our pilot projects launched with the Big Questions Teaming method and how they are advancing positive space futures.