Exploration learning

What if our questions changed the way we learn?

We can achieve our bold vision of an inclusive interplanetary future with  transformative education programs that will prepare the problem-solvers of today and tomorrow.

To thrive, we must learn to embrace complexity with analytical reasoning, passionate curiosity, creative experimentation, and inclusive collaboration.

These principles are the foundation of what we call Exploration Learning.

They guide the design of all of our future-facing learning initiatives—from degree programs to collaborative event experiences.

Becoming a better lifelong learner through Exploration Learning means:

Recognizing and being unafraid of unsolved problems

Being curious about what is known and how we know it

Being willing to work toward answers in steps over time

Having patience with ambiguity and dead ends

Appreciating the value of diverse perspectives

Experiencing knowledge creation


Interested in inclusive, future-facing educational approaches that prepare learners of all ages for success in work and life?

Are you striving to center student curiosity—rather than content transmission—in the design of your learning programs?

Do you question whether, in this information age, students are effectively learning how to identify and solve complex problems?

We offer in-person and online workshops for educators who are interested in applying Exploration Learning techniques in their classrooms or learning programs.

Contact us to learn more.

Additional resources

Technological Leadership Launch

Practical Solutions for Exploration Learning Online